Wanyan Group (HK) Co., Ltd is registered in Hong Kong as a holding subsidiary by Beijing Guanlan Group. Wanyan acts as a sourcing and procurement department for raw materials for Guanlan and other productions in China. Wan Yan has grown continuously since its foundation in 1997. Currently the company has over 250 employees in both Beijing and Hong Kong, and additional 100 local employees in host countries. Thanks to our joint effort, Wan Yan has expanded its market globally by transforming procurement into a strategic function that unleashes powerful results on the top and bottom line.

In the past decades, Wanyan has developed strong partnerships with carefully selected network of manufacturers around the globe. We source an expansive line of raw materials and their products from across the globe. We carefully choose global partners who value quality and sustainability like we do..

万延集团(香港)有限公司是北京观澜集团在香港註册的控股子公司,是专业的全球採购顾问公司,也是全球领先的採购、供应链解决方案专家。万延为中国各地及海内外企业提供专业的产品以及原材料採购服务。自1997年成立以来,集团业务不断發展壮大,业务發展迅速,目前万延在北京和香港两地拥有超过250名员工,另外还有100名当地员工在分布在万延的海外据点。我们分布全球的採购服务团队、合作伙伴和专业服务人士,为不同产业的公司及客户提供专业採购并提供谘询顾问服务。我们协助客户获得全球资源支持,同时也深入理解本地客户的特点和独特需求。自成立以来,公司广泛吸纳专业人才, 行业专家, 通过多年经营, 从而在全球范围内拓展了市场,建立了广泛的人脉以及与世界主要原材料生产商的良好合作关系,从而在营收上产生了可观的成果。万延重视服务品质以及产品质量,从全球採购广泛的原材料及其产品线的成功经验,期待成为您在採购领域可倚赖的全球合作伙伴。